Websters Theatre

Saturday 22nd March 2025

Show time: 2:30pm

Walking Shadows is a three act farce by Michael Lewis, author of last years hit, Happy Endings. “The show was amazing; so clever and absolutely hilarious.”

We see behind the scenes as the misfits who make up an am-dram group put on the classic ‘Oil’s Well That Ends Well’.

“Loved the show – deserved the standing ovation for such a well written play.”

“…. a very funny, well-acted and written show”

“Such a talent and what a laugh!”

“Brilliantly written and everyone gave honest, funny performances.”

“I can’t help laughing out loud when thinking about some of the antics… I absolutely loved the show!”

“Wonderful cast, superb writing and masterfully executed.”

“Really clever, slick and funny.”

About the show:

Age Suitability: 12yrs + with under 16s accompanied by an adult

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