Erin McKinnie: The Faff Chronicles

Van Winkle West End

When life is so short… (And so am I…) – How can we keep up and do everything that people say we should?

The Faff Chronicles: A show about cluelessly navigating adulthood with the undying desperation to grab life by the bawsack. Am I faffing? Am I failing? Am I slaying? – A journey towards approaching 30 and feeling the heat to work out the “Faff Fest” that is life.

A comedy cabaret with some songs along the way – mincing through a series of chaos and life decisions. From cruise ships, and foreign shores, to sofa-surfing – exotic adventures, to romantic misadventures…

Do we need a 5-year plan or are we all actually winging it?

About the show:

Age Suitability: 14 yrs+

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