Louise Leigh: Amused

Midlife gets dark, but Louise Leigh is determined to see the funny side. She’s a Leicester Mercury Comedian of the Year Finalist 2022 bringing us “Refreshingly unselfconscious comedy ” (**** The Wee Review) It’s “a celebration about having reached a certain stage in life…. motherhood, menopause and farts. Go see this show!” (**** Funny Women).
Louise Leigh is, well… a sweary Julie Andrews, with all the chummy energy of a Radio 2 presenter who’s been caught by the tabloids. An hour in her company is like hanging out with your mum’s cousin at a family funeral – you know, the one who steals your cigarettes and demands a puff on that joint? She’ll tell you the truth about what your mum got up to into the nineties, even if you don’t want to hear it.
She’s here to tell us about what happens when you decide not to carry other people’s crap for them, how to shave your legs like you’re in an advert, about drunken rescues, untethered gazebos and how hanging out with your mates has changed now life is less “dance floor”, more “pelvic floor”. She answers the vital question: How does it feel to be literally twice your own age?
Say the show name out loud for a cheeky free joke in the title.