Jade Kelly is Absolutely Mortified

Jade Kelly is absolutely mortified. Trying to write this wee blurb to promote her show is making her cringe and the thought of walking on stage to make you laugh is making her cringe even more. Who the bloody hell does she think she is? She can’t even pluck up the courage to walk into a coffee shop and order an oat milk flat white without giving herself a pep talk first for crying out loud.
One of Scotland’s fastest rising comedians, in under a year Jade has become a weekend regular at some of the biggest comedy clubs in Scotland and gained a spot in The Gilded Balloon’s national competition So You Think You’re Funny at The Edinburgh Fringe.
Come and hang about with her to hear about all the other things that give her the fear – they probably give you the fear too. Plus, I’ve heard her pal Tina might make an appearance, and she’s a really good laugh.