Cobin Millage: Fifteen Pints with a Wax Figure of Renowned Painter Pablo Picasso (WIP)

Tennent's Laughter Lounge @ Tennent's Bar

After a critically acclaimed run at the Edinburgh fringe, Cobin is forced to write a second goddamn show for the second goddamn time. Starting from scratch, he took a visit to the Spanish city of Barcelona, where he found himself in a Museum of Sex, sitting next to a wax figure of Pablo Picasso. Cobin then proceeded to drink fifteen (15) pints with the replica painter, and ended up telling Mr. Picasso all of his concepts for a brand new comedy show.

Mr. Picasso’s response was positive, saying “Have you tried making your eyes look sort of cubist and sideways?”.

“No.” Cobin replied, smiling “I also won’t mention this interaction at all.”

Pablo did not smile back, as he was cold hearted, drunk, and made of wax.

(Dear reader, Here’s an actual review I received:
“Cobin shines, Effortlessly engaging.” – EdFestMag, Four Star review)

About the show:

Age Suitability: 18yrs+
Audience Interaction Swearing

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